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West Basin, The Largest Reuse Treatment Plant In The United States

Sep 30,2019

West Basin, the largest reuse treatment plant in the United States

At present, West Basin is the largest reuse water treatment plant of the same kind in the United States. According to the needs of users, waterworks design and produce 5 levels of water for industrial and urban purposes, including irrigation water for parks and golf courses, underground water layers of seawater barriers, replenishment water for refineries, cooling water for cooling towers, and high quality boiler feedwater.

In 1947, the West Basin City Water Bureau was set up to serve 850 thousand people.

A 60 thousand t/d wastewater reuse facility was established in 1995 to meet the growing demand for water supply in southern California. Ten thousand tons of groundwater were recharged to prevent seawater intrusion (lime + RO).

In 1997, the first 60,000 t/d reclaimed water plant using Memcor low pressure membrane was put into operation. Among them, 20,000 tons of groundwater are recharged to prevent seawater intrusion (MF + RO).

From 1998 to 2002, three sets of Memcor systems were installed in the third stage of the 20,000 t/d reclaimed water plant in the city, which served as pretreatment to provide reverse osmosis procedures for water supply for boilers and cooling.

In 2006, 40,000 t/d of reclaimed water was put into production. The fourth phase of the project includes: pretreatment (high-speed clarifier), transformation of the original recharge filter into the tank filter, transformation of the original lime clarifier into flocculation tank and 5 million gal storage tank; groundwater recharge projects include upgrading of micro-filter, expansion of reverse osmosis tank, increase of ultraviolet disinfection, and increase of hydrogen peroxide injection facilities, with a total investment of $52 million. 。 The influent salinity of West Basin reclaimed water plant is about 700 mg/L, and it decreases to 2 mg/L after MF+RO+RO.

By 2006, the actual Communist water delivery pipeline of West Basin Recycling Water Plant was 33.3 million m_per year (90,000 t/d), exceeding 23 km. So far, a total of 460 million US dollars have been invested. Funding sources include allocations, local allocations, and bond issuance to raise funds. The processing cost in 2006 was about US$0.63/m.

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