Mechanical Grille installation regulations
May 06,2022
The insulation level and safety protection devices of the electrical equipment of the grille decontamination machine shall comply with the regulations for the installation of electrical equipment. The equipment has complete ventilation, cooling and cooling systems, with good effect and fast heating. The equipment inside and outside the grille decontamination machine is clean and tidy, well lubricated, and free of leakage (oil leakage, air leakage, air leakage, water leakage). Complete operating records and technical data. The operation and maintenance of equipment shall be recorded, and the maintenance shall be recorded. Generally speaking, the operation and maintenance records recorded in the duty log should include the following items: operation date, operator name and flight; daily maintenance work content, days and total operation time of various equipment; actual records of lubrication, refueling and inspection units; Technical parameters; regular maintenance, upkeep and seasonal maintenance of park contents; troubleshooting.