Mechanical grille decontamination machine application
May 27,2022
The mechanical grille decontamination machine is used in the water inlet of sewage treatment plant, the water inlet of pump station, and the front end of grit chamber, intercepting sundries such as crop rhizomes, municipal solid waste, branches, aquatic plants and so on. In the water body, so as to protect the normal operation of the water pump and reduce the treatment load in the later stage of sewage treatment.
1. The mechanical grille decontamination machine is a set of rotary grille chains assembled by unique rake teeth. Driven by the motor reducer, the rake tooth chain rotates against the direction of the water flow to salvage the scum floating on the water surface. When the rake tooth chain runs to the upper part of the equipment, due to the guidance of pulleys and curved rails, a relative self-cleaning movement occurs between each group of rake teeth, and most of the solid matter falls due to gravity.
2. The other part relies on the reverse movement of the sweeper to clean up the debris stuck on the rake teeth. The rake tooth chain of the mechanical grill cleaner is similar to the grille according to the direction of water flow, and the rake tooth gap assembled on the rake tooth chain shaft can be selected according to the usage. When the tines separate the suspended solids in the fluid, the water can flow smoothly. The whole working process is continuous or intermittent.